




Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

En web site marketing no vendemos tus productos por la red, “has venido al lugar equivocado si eso es lo que necesitas” Sin embargo lo que hacemos es especializarnos en crearte clientes de calidad desde tu sitio web, para que vendas tu productos también.

¿Qué es el marketing en redes sociales? (SMM)

El marketing en redes sociales (SMM) (también conocido como marketing digital y marketing electrónico) es el uso de las redes sociales, las plataformas en las que los usuarios crean redes sociales y comparten información, para construir la marca de una empresa, aumentar las ventas e impulsar el tráfico del sitio web. Además de proporcionar a las empresas una forma de interactuar con los clientes existentes y llegar a otros nuevos, el marketing en redes sociales (SMM) tiene análisis de datos especialmente diseñados que permiten a los especialistas en marketing realizar un seguimiento del éxito de sus esfuerzos e identificar aún más formas de interactuar.

SEO explicado
Analista de sitios web
Investigación de palabras clave
Creando enlaces
Optimización web
Terminología SEO
SEO explicado

Uno de los aspectos más importantes de una campaña de optimización de motores de búsqueda es también uno de los que más se pasa por alto: ¡la preparación!

Hay algunos pasos importantes a seguir antes de lanzar su campaña que asegurarán que tenga más posibilidades de éxito.

La optimización de motores de búsqueda escrita con una Z es optimización para los motores de búsqueda,
La optimización deletreada con una S es para el sitio web.

La razón por la que he separado los dos es porque me he dado cuenta durante muchos años de obtener sitios web altamente clasificados, está bien estar en la primera página de los motores de búsqueda, pero si las personas no permanecen en su sitio web y simplemente hacen clic, esto no es bueno. .

Así que empiezo con el análisis de su sitio web, desafortunadamente la mayoría de los diseñadores web no tienen ni idea de marketing o ventas, por lo que la mayoría de los sitios web creados hoy en día están diseñados para decir, no vender, por lo que es importante tener el sitio web correcto antes de comenzar. Mejoramiento.

Internet se está convirtiendo en el medio más grande de este siglo, superando a la publicidad televisiva.
La inversión en publicidad online ha superado a la publicidad en la televisión convencional en 2007, aumentando un 40 por ciento hasta los 2.800 millones de libras esterlinas, según informó hoy Ofcom en su importante encuesta anual sobre el mercado británico de las comunicaciones. En comparación, los ingresos publicitarios en ITV1, Channel 4, S4C y Five ascendieron a 2400 millones de libras esterlinas. véase el informe de Ofcom.

¿Por qué SEO? la mayoría de las empresas en estos días tienen un sitio web y folletos para promocionar sus negocios y productos. Imagínese que acaba de gastar 6000 libras esterlinas en folletos para distribuir al público, y un palet está dopado en su almacén, si no los distribuye son una cintura de dinero.
Es lo mismo que tu sitio web, pagas mucho dinero para construir tu sitio web, lo pones en los motores de búsqueda y esperas que la gente lo encuentre, no funciona así, tienes que distribuirlo, esto es lo que es la optimización.

Es un hecho comprobado que un sitio web sin Optimización es como una paleta llena de folletos.

Los hechos

Tener un sitio web puede ser una herramienta de marketing muy poderosa siempre que se vea en las primeras páginas de los principales motores de búsqueda (por ejemplo, Yahoo, Goggle). Tener un sitio web atractivo no es solo la respuesta al marketing de su sitio web.
Su sitio web es probablemente el mejor folleto para explicar todo acerca de su empresa, productos y servicios,
si su sitio web solo le brinda algunas consultas, lo más probable es que no se encuentre en los principales motores de búsqueda

Analista de sitios web

Algunos clientes tienen problemas a corto plazo que necesitan atención inmediata. Otros tienen necesidades a más largo plazo. Algunos clientes quieren subcontratar la mayoría de sus requisitos de SEO/SEM. Otros quieren complementar los esfuerzos existentes en áreas clave.

Con Fresh Traffic abordamos cada tarea desde una perspectiva basada en las necesidades para garantizar que cada aspecto del trabajo de SEO/SEM que hacemos aborde los objetivos específicos de su empresa.

Las tarifas por el análisis y las recomendaciones del sitio web suelen oscilar entre £ 500,00 y £ 20,000, según el tamaño del sitio, la complejidad del sitio, los problemas que enfrenta el sitio y la naturaleza y competitividad de la categoría involucrada.

Análisis de marketing de motores de búsqueda para pequeñas y medianas empresas.

Proceso de evaluación Producto utilizado
Análisis de frases de palabras clave
Descubra y evalúe las palabras clave para la orientación: Libro de descubrimiento de palabras clave SEO
Actividad de palabras clave y proyecciones: WordTracker, Keyword Discovery, SEO ToolSet (individual)
Análisis competitivo
Determinar los sitios de la competencia: Googspy, administrador del sitio web, SEO
Ranking de competidores y Google Adwords: Googspy, administrador del sitio web

Análisis de enlaces

Análisis y desarrollo de enlaces Las alianzas estratégicas de enlaces pueden desarrollar tráfico específico y precalificado de socios y mejorar significativamente la clasificación en los motores de búsqueda cuando hay sitios temáticos vinculados a un dominio.
Evaluar los enlaces internos del sitio: OptiSite
Evaluar enlaces entrantes: OptiLink
Create database and develop directory of links: Zeus

Evaluación de Estructura y Optimización

Evaluación del sitio y desarrollo web La arquitectura y el diseño de un sitio web afectan directamente la generación y conversión de tráfico. Hay desafíos especiales. Creado por elementos que hacen que los sitios no sean amigables para los motores de búsqueda y/o para los visitantes.
Determinar la clasificación: Gerente de sitio web, MarketLeap
Determinar las páginas indexadas: MarketLeap, administrador de sitios web
Compruebe la estructura y asegúrese de que sea indexable: Conjunto de herramientas SEO, simuladores de araña en consulta.com/worktools.html
Verifique los enlaces rotos y haga un mapa del sitio 123Promoción, Lista de SEOTools (DMOZ)
Mapas del sitio
Hacer mapas del sitio: SiteMapPro y a mano
Enviar a los principales directorios Top Dog
Crear vínculos de retroceso Manualmente
Enlace Recíproco Manualmente
Social media Manualmente


Web copywriting

Análisis de Redacción

La redacción web tiene como objetivo las frases clave para que los motores de búsqueda puedan encontrarlas, fomenta las ventas a través de un flujo natural de navegación y ofrece una copia que genera pedidos y genera ventas. Tanto la generación de tráfico como la conversión se ven afectadas por una copia adecuada.

Evaluate Pages and Overall Site Approach No program for this done by hand

Log Analysis

Log files are kept for each domain. A detailed online visitor analysis of click stream and Web site traffic can include knowing how much traffic a site receives, where the traffic is coming from, which engines are sending traffic,the keywords used to find the site, which pages are the most popular, where traffic is being lost, which pages are the least popular, and more.This serves as a basis for improving traffic and conversion.
Need access to logs. No program for this done by hand

Investigación de palabras clave

Choosing Keywords wisely
Keywords are called that for a reason; they’re one of the keys to making sure your web site is seen by searchers who want what you have to offer. But how do you choose them, and how do you use them? Keep reading to find out.

keywords2Closely behind link trading as the number one SEO technique is keyword choice; keywords are the words or phrases that people enter into search engines in order to find whatever it is they are searching for. If you want your site to be listed (and listed high) you need to think carefully about the words people could use to find your site, and use these keywords in appropriate and relevant places in your site. You also need to think about keyword density and keyword positioning if you are to use keywords successfully.

If you’re building a site from scratch, you should be thinking about keywords when creating the pages that make up the site as well as when producing content for the site.

Keywords need to be used in your page titles and in META tags as well as in the content. You also need to think about using keywords in heading text, bold text and in lists. Using keywords effectively, however, is far easier than choosing keywords effectively. Similarly, if you’re working on improving the rankings of an existing site, you’ll need to review not just the content, but the markup behind the pages as well.
Knowing what people are searching for is obviously a fundamental part of keyword choice. If you don’t know what people are searching for when looking for something related to your product, service or company name, then you won’t be able to choose effective keywords that will improve your ranking and ensure that people know about you. Most general, non-technical people will rely on search engines to find any of the things that they buy online, and most people take search engine listings as recommendations, using sites that only appear near the top of their chosen search engines results.

Choosing effective keywords is about making sure your site is ranked highly in returned search results for the most commonly used search strings. You should focus on choosing keywords that not only focus on your products and/or services but also on your company’s name and related subjects.

There is a lot of research about Keywords

When I do my keyword Research I try not to go to deep, I tend to go of common sense, “what would you type in for a given product or service you are looking for” from that i back track with all my keyword tools

Creando enlaces

There are three main factors that determine the search engine ranking of your website:

  • Site optimisation
  • Site popularity
  • Link popularity

Site optimisation is about placing your keywords in the right places on your website and making your website accessible to search engines.

Site popularity can be achieved through online and offline marketing and through link popularity – the more websites that link to you the more people will find your website.

The directories

The best place to start any linking strategy is with web directories. The two biggest by far are Yahoo! and the Open Directory (used by Google). Being listed in these is an absolute must as they generate huge amounts of traffic.

There are plenty of other directories you should get listed in too. Global, local and industry-specific directories abound on the Internet. To find them run a search for ‘web directory’ on your favourite search engine. The directories that come up highest in the search rankings will probably generate the most traffic. You can also check these directories of directories:


Optimización web

Web Optimisation (with a S) is what we at Web-Site Marketing consider this as getting the full attension to your web-site so clients stay on your web-site and read what you are offering, Getting people to Your web-site through SEO is one thing keeping them there is a another !

There are three types of people browsers >
1. The browser that will flick through your website click on a few pages and leave
2. The browser that will take time and read what you are offering and will take
their time to purchase or give you their details, but a good client.
3. The browser that will read what you have to offer and make a discussion very quickly and take action

Most People that take action on the Internet are quick decision makers so it is important to capture them on the first page of your quick loading web-site, People will type in the keywords for what they are looking for, the want, the need and the desire is already there, its up to Your website to evidence to them you are the right company, so going straight to the meat and potato of what you are offering, with bold text, pictures and links straight to the order page will get you more action.

Here is a example of a good selling web-site click the picture below

Once you get Your web-site on the first pages of the search engines and your web-site is getting traffic and orders are coming in we will evaluate time spent on which pages, the example web-site does more business from the first page because of the way it is designed. this is as important as getting good rankings.
With the greatest respect to web designers, the knowledge is limited to sales and marketing, they are “IT web designers”, this is why at web-site Marketing our 20 years experience in traditional sales and marketing has been adapted to the Internet

Terminología SEO

This glossary is provided as a guide to terms used within the search engine industry. Some of the descriptions are simplified so as not to confuse readers. If you would like a fuller description of the terms defined please contact us.

Back links
The links recognized by a search engine linking back to a give domain or web page from other web pages.

A search engine may ban pages, or even a whole site, if unethical techniques such as spamming, hidden text or gateway pages are employed to achieve a higher ranking.

Also known as a “spider” or “robot”. This is the tool employed by search engines to record data about web pages. It will follow links from one web page to another and from one web site to another recording the information and storing it in its index.

when a search engine removes a page from its index if it considers it to be violating the required criteria.

A web site that lists other websites and a brief description of them. Directories are structured by category. Searches of the directory return results based on the summary information contained within the directory as the web sites listed are not spidered. Directories have different criteria for accepting submissions, some require payment or a link back, but others will allow you to submit your website for free.

Doorway Page
A web page that is created solely for the purpose tricking a search engine. This page will be very well optimized for a particular phrase or phrases and will have a form of redirection in place once it is found to the ‘real’ page. Also known as bridge pages, gateway pages and jump pages, amongst other names.

Gateway Page
See Doorway Page

The collection of information a search engine holds in its database. This information will be used when a search engine receives an enquiry via its search facility.

Inbound Links
See Backlinks

A collection of words that relate to the content of a web site or individual web page.

Landing Page
The page that is displayed when clicking a link contained in a search engine results page (SERP’s).

Link Popularity
see Page Rank

Link Text
The text visible on a webpage that contains a hyperlink to another page or another site.

The information that appears on a search engine’s results page in response to a search query.

Meta Tags
The information contained within the meta tags is “invisible” to visitors to a webpage, but visible to search engines. In the early years of the Internet it was important to have good meta tags, however their importance has decreased significantly, almost to the stage where they are ignored by most search engines.

Meta Description Tag
A tag that contains a brief description of a web site or an individual web page. Some search engines display this text in the results of search. Not all search engines will read this tag.

Meta Keywords Tag
A tag that contains a list of words related to the subject of a web site or an individual web page. Most search engines will ignore this tag.

Meta Robots Tag
A tag used to identify to search engines web pages that should not be indexed by them. Not all search engines will read this tag and the more conventional robots.txt file should be used for this purpose.

Organic Listings
Listings that have been achieved with a search engine without having to pay for inclusion. This can generally be achieved by adopting legitimate search engine optimization techniques.

Outbound Links
Links on any web page linking to another web page.

Page Rank
When Google returns its results, one of the factors taken into consideration is a websites Page Rank. The number of pages that link to a web page together with their Page Rank determines the Page Rank of a web page.

See Rank

See Search Terms

Rank is the position where a web site is located for a given search term. For example, if a website is listed on the first page, position 4 for a particular phrase then the rank is ‘4’, if it is listed on the eighth page position 2, it’s rank would be ’72’ (when 10 results are returned per page).

Reciprocal Link
A link exchange between two sites.

See Submission

Results Page
The page returned by a search engine when producing the results for a given phrase. Also known as SERP – search engine results page.

see Crawler.

A file created to identify to search engines web pages that should not be indexed by them

Search Engine
A web site that allows you to search its database using a keyword phrase you deem relevant to the product/service you are looking for. There are generally two types of listing – organic and pay per click (PPC). The organic listings are usually displayed on the main body of the page, with sponsored listings either above the organic listings or to the side.

Search Engine Consultants
Individuals or organizations that provide the full package of search engine optimization, submission and link management to obtain high listings for a client’s web site.

Search Engine Optimization
A method of altering a web site to target particular keyword phrases. This generally includes researching the best phrases for and placing them in the correct locations within web pages together with removing or replacing anything which may have a negative impact on listings.

Search Terms
The word or phrase entered into a search engine when performing a search. This can also be known as a keyword phrase or query.

Acronym for Search Engine Optimization

see Results Page

Spam is any technique used to try to fool search engines. This can include hidden text (text the same colour as the background of the page) or gateway pages etc. Spamming may have a positive impact site in the short term, but the long term consequences can be disastrous. The ultimate penalty is to be excluded from a search engines database.

See Crawler

In order for some search engines to become aware of a web site they need the details submitting to their database for indexing.

